W Management

Condominium Management

Offering professional residential and commercial condominium management services in Regina and surrounding areas.

Managing nearly 50 condominium corporations and continuing to grow.

Our Management Portals

W Management has a dedicated team of accountants and CCI accredited property managers ready to help you manage your condominium’s needs. 

featured projects

  • Leader building regina w management

    Leader Building

    One of the best rooftop patios in Regina can be found at the Leader Building — all residential and commercial tenants have access to using this amazing space!

  • willoughby & duncan scarth street regina downtown w management

    Willoughby & Duncan Building

    A mix of prime commercial units located directly off Scarth St with an indoor walkway through the mall and residential units above.

  • roberts plaza high rise condo w management

    Roberts Plaza

    Located on a prime site at the corner of Hillsdale and 23rd, this condominium property has been altering the skyline of Regina for years as one of its tallest buildings.

Connect with W Management


(306) 949-8080

Maintenance line for managed accounts:

1 (855) 904-7064

2075 Hamilton Street
Regina, SK S4P2E1